Dec 3rd 2006
This Week in Tech 79
Fifty Plus
Hosted by
Leo Laporte
Viking dairy farms, Scoble vs Winer, and subscription music stores...
Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 22:15 UTC.
Viking dairy farms, Scoble vs Winer, and subscription music stores...
- Dave Winer and Robert Scoble had an argument as to whether Microsoft was an innovator or not.
- Universal is trying to crack a deal with Apple for royalties on the iPod.
- Movie companies now want piracy concessions from Apple.
- Walmart is offering downloads of Superman Returns on the cheap for people who buy the DVD.
- Bush is depriving North Korea of various gadgets.
- Psiphon is a program that will provide a proxy to view censored content.
- The Russian government says "nyet" to, but they said that they're not going anywhere.
- Google Answers has closed up shop.
- Chacha is trying to do what Google Answers did.
- Glam is a metablog of fashion run by a curator.
- The Huffington Post wants an online presidential debate.
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology is recommending that the 2007 version of the Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines decertify direct record electronic voting machines.
- AMD and Nvidia are being targeted in an antitrust investigation.
- Certain U.S. companies will need to keep track of all emails, instant messages, and other electronic documents generated by their employees.
- James Kim and his family has gone missing.