Tech News Today

Jul 5th 2016

Tech News Today 1548

Opt Out Organ Donation

Robot Lawyers and Kid Hackers

Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy previous episodes from the TWiT Archives.
Guests: Drew Curtis
Category: News

Drew Curtis from is here for a shallow dive into today's tech news. It's time to go back to Comcast to get back that set-top box, because soon you'll be able to stream Netflix on it. Re/Code reports that Comcast will incorporate Netflix into X1, which means that later this year you'll be able to stream Netflix straight from your Comcast cable box. A bitter rivalry dating at least as far back as 2010 seems to be coming to an end. Want to donate organs? There's an app for that. Also, everything you need to know about cloning your pet. Plus, be careful robbing the live/work space of a GPS tracking company.

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