iOS Today with Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard

Jul 16th 2019

iOS Today 455

Apps for Foodies

Foodie apps, AI photo-editor FaceApp, macOS Catalina's Sidecar, Picstructions, and more.

New episodes every Thursday.
Guests: Dave Smith
Category: Reviews

Leo Laporte and Mikah Sargent talk about their favorite food apps from sharing recipes to tracking calories, Leo turns his iPad into a second screen for his Macbook Air with macOS Catalina's Sidecar, Mikah tries out a new hairstyle with the AI photo-editor FaceApp, and Picstructions founder demo's their app for creating and sharing step-by-step instructions. Plus, Mikah has an app for getting a cellular data plan that uses the iPhone's eSIM and Leo shows how to create the perfect Instagram Story with Unfold.

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