
iOS Today 720 Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.

00:00 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Coming up on iOS Today. We are talking about how we prepare for a new iPhone and what we do moments after getting it. Stay tuned for this informative episode of iOS Today Podcasts you love.

00:16 - Dan Moren (Host)
From people you trust.

00:19 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
This is Twit to it. This is iOS Today, with special guest Dan Morin and me, micah Sargent, episode 720, recorded Tuesday, september 17th 2024, or Thursday September 19th 2024. How we prepare for a new iPhone. Hello and welcome to iOS Today, the show where we talk all things iOS, ipados, watchos, homepodos, visionos and all the other OSs that we have to talk about because Apple is regularly coming out with new platforms and always coming out with new updates for those platforms, so we talk about those, we talk about the devices and basically, this is a way for you to know that you're just getting as much out of your device as you can. I am one of your hosts today, micah Sargent, and Rosemary Orchard is not with us this week, but we'll be back again. But joining us in Rosemary's place is my pal, my co-host of Clockwise. It is Dan Morin. Welcome back, dan.

01:30 - Dan Moren (Host)
It's good to be here, micah, to talk with you about all the OSs, the OSs, oss. I don't even the OSs we call them.

01:38 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
We do.

01:39 - Dan Moren (Host)
In the biz. Yeah, that's professional terminology right there, yeah you just got a little inside.

01:45 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Look there. So, basically, this is our chance to kind of talk about preparation for, and arrival of, a new iPhone. Tuesday, september 17th. The new iPhones are set to hit stores and, in many cases, people's hands, on Friday, and so some people, of course, have been able to get early looks at these devices and write about them, but, for yours truly, I will be waiting until Friday to get mine.

I thought this would be a good time, though, to talk about how we kind of gear up for a new iPhone, if we know we're getting one, and what the process is that you follow to, you know back up your device or think about turning it in. I know that you are an upgrade sort of customer, and so I think it's great to talk about that, because that's one way of doing things. So, yeah, let's kick things off. First and foremost, do you have a process for deciding whether it's time to upgrade to a new phone and, if you don't, maybe because of your work, kind of needing to have the new phone in theory? Do you know, like, does your significant other have that process, or how does that work?

03:21 - Dan Moren (Host)
Yeah, the the flow chart for me is very simplified. It's a did apple come out with a new phone? If so, yeah, get it great phone. No, I've been on the iphone upgrade program, I think pretty much since it started, for the reason you discussed. I'm somebody who talks about and writes about this stuff for a living. Therefore, it's one of the few products I feel like it's important to at least have some time with every year, and so I've been pretty much on the iPhone Pro train for as long as that's been around, and then certainly on the new iPhone train for as long as the upgrade program has been around, which somebody said recently was like it's like 11 years now. Whoa, that seems way too long. It's a long time. Yeah, I should go back and look, but I guess I could just look at how many upgrade program loans I've had. Yeah, so for me, yeah, that's pretty simple calculus there.

My wife tends to go a lot longer between upgrades. She upgraded last year to an iPhone 15 from, I believe, an iPhone 8, I want to say, and that was because I think it was not new when she bought it. She had got it in 2019, which was the year we got married because she wanted to be able to take better pictures on our honeymoon. So she upgraded for that from something to get a better camera, and then that one was just starting to hit that point where it was a little bit long in the tooth, was starting to get a little slow, and so last year she made the jump to an iPhone 15, which I think she's been generally pleased with, but she is somebody who holds onto her phones for a long time.

I would say my mom, who I was just talking to the other day, is even longer. She has a first-generation iPhone SE just talking to the other day, is even longer. She has a first generation iPhone SE which is hilariously tiny if you pick one up now, and that's because she had an iPhone like five or five S before that and she loved that size and she never wanted to give it up, although just the other day I got her to admit that she was thinking about upgrading. So there's a whole range is what I'm saying from people like me who upgrade every year, to people like my wife upgrade a few years and people like my mom who are like once a decade seems perfectly fine.

05:31 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yeah, I um, for me same in terms of every year, uh, getting the new iPhone. Because of what, what we do here at Twit Um, my uh partner has been on I think I don't think it's the SE, I think it's the Mini, I think it's actually the full-on Mini and has loved, loved, loved that device. But basically he can almost just like stare at it and it drops 10% battery at this point, never can make it through a full day with anywhere near the battery level and is constantly kind of lugging around this little charger to plug in and keep it juiced up. And so he's been considering getting a new phone for some time but continues to kind of say, oh, I don't know. You know, I don't really think that I want to and I really like the size of this and I think that the size changes have had, or the sort of slimming down of the options, so to speak, has made a difference for some people and everything like that. I think that it's worth doing the upgrade on that alone, but you know that's not the case for everybody. Now, when it comes to so you've kind of you figured out the flow chart.

You and I both Did Apple come out with a new iPhone. Yes, so we're getting one. Can you talk about a little bit more about the upgrade program, because I used to be on the upgrade program. I think it was at the time through AT&T, because there are different versions of it, like one that's through Apple, and when it first came out I believe it was just carrier only. You'll have to correct me if I'm wrong there, but I had issues with it two years in a row and it's my understanding that that whole process has improved quite a bit. So could you tell people about that if they aren't doing it?

07:32 - Dan Moren (Host)
Sure, yeah. So the program I've been on is strictly through Apple. Obviously, different carriers have different incentives and different plans that allow people to upgrade after certain amounts of time or service or what have you. I have been on the Apple plan since it came around. It has, I will say, improved every single year in terms of its efficiency and sort of smoothness. I think a big part of that is, you know, just sort of figuring out where the hiccups are and where problems are likely to. You know you're running into problems.

In the earliest days I remember I had to like go into the store to do it and it was kind of a pain because you had to like show up at a certain time and be there and then they had to like go through the whole rigmarole about getting you approved for a credit check and all that stuff. These days it is all online. It's very smooth. The upgrade process itself is remarkably smooth. I have found that basically you can do it without really much in the way hiccups. So when I ordered a new phone last week, I basically went in and pre-approved sort of all of my details, all my information. So before I even placed the order, like earlier in the week it gave you the option to say like, okay, here's the phone that I want to Pick out your model, go through, confirm that your billing information is correct, all that stuff, even get the stuff set up for your loan, whatever. Then you can just go in when the pre order is open and tap through a bunch of things and you're in and out in two or three minutes tops.

The only problem I ran into this time around was that I use my Apple card because, as with every purchase you do through Apple and this counts even though it's technically a loan through Citizens One you get a certain amount of cash back on that. You get like the 3% or something cash back. So I use that because it gives me a nice little bump for that every month when I make my loan payment. The challenge I ran into there was that the expiration date and the security code for my cards were old because my card had renewed in the intervening year and so I had to change those. I don't know why I didn't catch them when I first went through and updated my information, but again it took me like oh no, 30 seconds.

I got to go look at my Apple card information, but at that point you basically get the same choices as somebody ordering the phone. You can choose to pick it up in person, you can choose to have it delivered another thing that was not offered in the earliest days of the upgrade program you had to go into the store, but nowadays you can just have it shipped to you and they will also ship you a box that lets you return your old phone, whereas if you go into the store you will end up swapping in your phone generally when you're there, although sometimes they may let you take it with you, uh, but that seems to be largely at the discretion of the people in the store. So, uh, last year I think I did it in store because I was getting my wife's phone at the same time, um, and then this year I just decided. The biggest stressor for me was always waiting for that phone to show up, and sitting and waiting for you yes and I have.

There is so much construction going on in the streets around me that I'm always worried that they're not going to show up and like they always show up at the end of the day, and it's like, why don't I just go into the store first thing in the morning, get it and then already be done?

10:45 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yeah, that's actually so. I had started to do that in um in California, uh and I because, for the same reason that it just made it much less stressful and at the time, of course, living in a townhome complex like, there are lots of people and it's every time delivery drivers and all this they would always have trouble finding me and it was just nightmarish and I thought why don't I just go in? Um I, you know it's a 15 minute drive and then I wait in line, it's fine. Um, I didn't do that this time but um, that's just that's cause I just moved. But regarding all of that, I have found that um, so this year was a little bit different.

In years past what um we would do at Twit is we would order a new iPhone and then the iPhone uh previous to that I would just bring in at some point and then it would get, you know, uh, recycled or whatever it needed to do. But this year what I did was I did the pre-order and I said in the pre-order I want to do a trade-in, and so part of that process involves saying what state your phone is in. You kind of say, no, it doesn't have any big cracks, or anything like that. Um, you kind of say, no, it doesn't have any big cracks, or anything like that, uh, this works, this works, this works. And then they will also, just like the upgrade program, ship you a return box and they do charge you the full car, the full price up front. But then, once you send in the device, if the device matches what you would expect, then um matches what what you said, then um matches what you said, uh, then you'll get that amount back on your um. You know it'll be refunded to you. So essentially because through Twit we always just outright buy the phone, um, so let's say, just to make it simple, the phone was a thousand dollars and your trade-in was $300 for the phone of previous time. When you do your pre-order, they charge your credit card for $1,000. You send in the phone, they say oh yes, micah said it doesn't have any deep cracks and there's also all the buttons function, confirm, confirm, confirm. You'll get $300, 300 off of that. So then the phone ends up costing you 700. Um, I, I like the the trade-in. I'm actually doing that with the apple watch as well.

Um, now, something to be aware of if you decide to do the trade-in, a lot of people end up opting for uh, it's been my experience at least AppleCare Plus and AppleCare Plus, and there's also AppleCare Plus Theft and Loss, and both of those provide relatively inexpensive fixes for your device. So if you have a last model iPhone that has AppleCare Plus and it gets a crack in it and you want to trade that in, you may be thinking that because you've got AppleCare Plus on it, when you trade it in they will refund you or they will do the trade in value for, let's say, $300 less the cost of the fix, which is like $29 for the screen or something like that. That is not the case. I think it was the Verge who one of the writers for the Verge he thought that was going to be the case. So he was trading in his old iPhone, said well, yeah, it's got a big crack on it, but I've got AppleCare Plus. They said we'll give you $0 for it. So what he ended up doing was he had just enough time to book a repair, go into an Apple store and get it repaired so that the screen was brand new and then do the trade in that way.

But for most people who are listening to this because you're going to be listening to this. After iPhone launch day. You're probably waiting to get a new iPhone. I just want you to be aware of that whenever you're thinking about doing a trade in or if you're thinking about, you know, upgrading to a new phone. If you have AppleCare Plus, go get it fixed and then do the trade in.

I will say it could be different in the store. If you were to take it into the store and try to do that there, maybe they would kind of work that in, but for the online process it did not work that way and so it was like a phone that would have, I think, this iPhone 15 pro max, uh, that I reported as having no issues. Apple was giving $650 for this um, which is quite a chunk off of a 16 Pro Max, and so to go from $650 to $0 because of a crack that costs $29, go get it fixed. So let's talk about now that you've sort of gone through the upgrade process. You've done your pre-order, you know that the phone is going to be arriving. Apple tried to get you to during the preorder process by a case for your phone. Are you a case rocker? Are you thinking about a case for this phone? What is?

16:20 - Dan Moren (Host)
your kind of decision whenever it comes to that. So I, up until very recently I always bought a clear case, like a silicone case of some kind. I mean I've used many, many cases over the years and years I've been using an iPhone. I mean I've had an iPhone since 2007. So most recently I've tended to buy a silicon clear case here. I've got one here. That's like kind of an old one, you know pretty bog standard. You got a cut out for your camera, you got a place to plug it in.

You got little button covers third party right yeah, third party I don't buy I can tell we had apple I can tell oh yeah, so party, so dingy, um, and you know that was for peace of mind.

You know I just didn't like digging up my phone or whatever. I think at some point I realized I was buying because the phone changes every year. I was buying a new case every year and, financially speaking, not a huge burden. I mean, I'm buying an expensive phone. It's paying 20 bucks or whatever for a case is not going to break the bank. But I realized that I was also buying a new piece of plastic every single year oh and I think my wife pointed that out to me.

She's like why you end up buying like a new piece of like plastic and that plastic doesn't work anymore, and then you can't do anything, that's it and it's like point huh, and I have a lot of friends who go caseless.

17:36 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Can we just rewind and have you not tell me that, please? Yeah, sure that didn't happen. Those plastic cases all biodegradable?

17:44 - Dan Moren (Host)
They are not. So I ended up last year with my iPhone 15 Pro going caseless and it was an interesting experience. I think I was, you know, very trepidatious about it going in. In the end I think it was fine. I will say the nature of this device is such that it is actually pretty resilient. I have some scuffs around the edges of the device and those came actually very early on. I don't know if those were flaws in the process or whatever or something where I really scraped it up, but I have like a couple of the edges. I don't even know if I can show it off because they're so I don't think I could probably even get it up to the phone or the camera. That's good enough, but there's like a little gray scuff on like the right right at the top of the bezel. Um and uh, I felt really bad. That was like a like a like a day in or something but honestly it never.

It never got any worse really and I didn't really have any other significant damage. You know again a little wear and tear here and there. The biggest thing that's difference is that I do get scratches on the screen because I will put it down face down on like a table or something like that and as good as that ceramic shield technology or whatever is from preventing it from breaking, it does not really prevent scratches. So I have definitely a few really good ones on there and if you catch the light in the right way, you will see them for sure. Does it impact the overall usage of the phone? No, hopefully it will not impact the trade-in. In terms of when they take it back, I don't think they mainly look for things that are damaged or functional problems.

Yeah, but talking specifically about the recyclable part, the other part of that that was kind of put that in stark relief was the fact that the phone itself is so reusable or recyclable.

Right, apple takes these things apart if they're not usable and like uses them for parts and everything. And the idea that I was buying this hugely expensive phone but that phone could then be reused or recycled almost entirely, and that I was buying along with it a tiny, you know, a piece of plastic that could not in any way be reused or recycled really made me feel like, is this what I should be doing? So I will. I've not bought a case this year. I have no intention of buying a case. I kind of toyed around with some of the ideas like, oh, maybe I just want like a bumper to put to protect the screen a little bit, or maybe we'll just get a screen protector or something like that. I haven't done any of that. So I think my experience with the last year and I think again, as long as it's just like I'm dealing with scratches and not like I'm shattering the phone or whatever and I will note, as Micah knows, that.

I dropped my phone on my laptop during wwc this year and broke my laptop screen, but the phone, the phone was entirely fine. So you know, uh, at that point I started thinking well, it's pretty resilient. So there's also the added thing where it's like, when I know I'm getting a new phone every year, I just don't, I don't mind as much, like it's like, ah, it's scratched up. Well, all I gotta do is live with it for like another few months or a week or whatever, and it'll be fine. So that's my, that's my feeling this year is I feel like that is one of the virtues of the titanium frame on the pros especially, is that they tend to be, you know, a little bit more resistant to these things. So, uh, yeah, I'm planning on going caseless again. We'll see what happens. My again, we'll see what happens. My good pal, lex reidman, managed to break two separate iphone 15 pros in the last month alone.

Oh wow, he got it replaced and then he broke the replacement so it's not impossible. It's not impossible.

21:25 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
It can be done if you're determined if you try hard enough, if you close your eyes and throw your phone. No, believe in yourself is what I'm saying I did get. I have been using the clear case as well, this one from Apple, the MagSafe clear case, and I did order that again this year. This, of course, comes with a new camera control button that sort of passes the capacitiveness into the device, into the device.

22:04 - Dan Moren (Host)
I try going caseless at times and I just it doesn't feel as grippable for me. I agree, yeah, it is a little. It feels a little dicey at times for sure.

22:08 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yeah, there's something kind of nice and hefty, I guess, about having just that little extra bit of stuff on it. But you know, maybe there are other ways to pull that off. Because, yeah, certainly, I just genuinely did not consider the fact that, yeah, it works for one year and then it's just there. And I think about, like all the previous versions of the iPhone case that I've had, that just sit there. Yeah, that that needs to. You can melt them all down and make a new iPhone case that.

22:37 - Dan Moren (Host)
I've had that just sit there. Yeah, that that needs to. You can melt them all down and make a new iPhone.

22:39 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
You've got those stinking magnets and stuff in them too.

22:42 - Dan Moren (Host)
Oh yeah, someone should come up with a good way to recycle those, or you know, someone should tell Apple. By the way, you're like harping on about the environment, yeah.

22:51 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
You got the robot for the phone. Let's see the robot to pull apart those cases and do something. So yeah, um, now we've got the case or no case situation figured out. Um, your iPhone is is on its way. Do you do any kind of special backup leading up to um Friday or whatever day the iPhone is going to be coming? Does your backup method change and do any of your other behaviors change? I'll tell you.

23:29 - Dan Moren (Host)
I literally woke up this morning at like four o'clock thinking, oh, I got to get up and get my phone tomorrow. I hope I remember.

23:35 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
And then I realized it's Tuesday and I tried to go back to sleep for a long time.

23:39 - Dan Moren (Host)
Yeah, so apparently I have increasing anxiety. Is the answer Backup wise? No, I use iCloud backup and have basically for as long as it's been around. It is totally not a thing I ever have to worry about. So I will say that the only thing I do is make sure to manually go in and do a backup at some point, generally as late as possible, right, preferably at the store, sometimes even before I go to the store, and then that way it's faster at the store because there's not as much stuff to back up. So that's probably the closest is like I'll go in so manually.

You go into your settings, you go over to iCloud, you find iCloud backup and there's a button that says backup now. Um, and that way you can just make sure that everything is most current. But even these days so much stuff is not even on the phone, right? So many of the things that I'm relying on are things that are stored online somewhere. So it's not like I have to go get all you know my mail and make Slack messages or whatever Discord messages. They're all on there. So I don't worry as much about that.

I think, just based on what I use it for, same thing with like notes or reminders, whatever. It's all in iCloud, so it's fine. It's fairly small in terms of what's actually stored on there, but I do like having that peace of mind. I will say just as an addendum the one time I do use a different backup method is before I install the first beta each year, which I sometimes do. So I use the classic old, connected directly to a computer, and create a backup using what used to be iTunes but now is in the Finder, and that's basically the only time I ever do a manual backup, because that's the case I'm most worried about losing information, but when I'm going in to change my phone over, no, I just trust iCloud backup.

25:33 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yeah, I have done multiple ways of doing this in the past and it kind of just changes every year, I guess, depending on how I'm feeling. I always, of course, make sure iCloud backup is rock solid, but I also use iMazing to do a local full backup. It used to be a little bit easier. You would do it with iTunes. Now you can do it with Finder, where it's an encrypted backup, but Apple doesn't give you the ability to change where the backup is stored and like during the process, and so there's not enough space on my computer to do that.

So that's why I use iMazing, because I can change the location for that encrypted backup. I can choose to put it on network attached storage or if what I do is an SSD that is attached to my computer at that time do is an SSD that is attached to my computer at that time, um, and then that way, if something fails in the process, um, I have that full uh backup ready to rock, uh to put it through. But kind of day of I make the decision, is this going to be the year where I decide to do um a, I decide to do a where I decided to like start over fresh, or am I feeling kind of meh about it and so I'm just going to kind of keep going with what I've had before? And then there have been a couple of years where I thought I wanted to start over fresh and then later that day I restart the phone and just restore it from the backup from before.

That's right Life is short Life is short, exactly.

27:04 - Dan Moren (Host)
Have you considered copying out all the bits?

27:06 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
one by one, by hand.

27:08 - Dan Moren (Host)
Write them down 1-0-0-0-1-1-1-1.

27:11 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
I have not considered that.

27:13 - Dan Moren (Host)
It's the most secure way to backup.

27:16 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
I've also done the transfer on the day of but we'll talk about that, talk about that next, uh, because there are a couple of processes there. So, yeah, leading up to it, iCloud backups uh, I actually will go in and do the sync now thing, as opposed to just having it do it on its own, Um, and then I also, as I said, do that iAmazing backup kind of the night before, Um. So you have your phone in hand now and it is time to power it up and get it rolling. I'm curious do you plug it in and wait until it's fully charged to start, or do you just rock and roll?

28:02 - Dan Moren (Host)
These are questions I have never I don't think I've even ever thought about that. I mean, the phones show up these days. Apple charges them to a certain level, I think around 80%, like that's pretty common for battery powered thing. You know, piece of electronics you get, I don't worry about it, I'm not going to charge it to 100%, it's going to get charged later that day anyway. So it is a, I will say I mean, you know, doing those transfers can eat up a lot of batteries sometimes. So oftentimes I will make sure that I'm near a plug or have a battery on hand or something like that. Even then, these days the batteries last long enough that even a very long transfer will not like it's not going to be like, oh, it's down to 10%. So, um, no, I don't.

28:42 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
I don't worry about the power level I will say that it's my means of um making me test my own, um patience. I I am like willpower.

29:02 - Dan Moren (Host)
Yeah, it's a willpower thing for me for some reason I don't know why I do it down and just be like can I not eat that? I?

29:07 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
will not eat the cookie until the cookie is fully charged.

29:10 - Dan Moren (Host)
I, I boy, I don't know what kind of cookies you're eating, but they sound delicious.

29:15 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
They're very they're shockingly delicious. Um, so I will. I, yeah, I wait until it's fully charged, for some stupid reason. And it's funny because when you plug it in then it automatically turns on anyway. So I'm just sitting there looking at it and I'm like, nope, gotta wait, don't know why I do it, I do it. And so then, once it's it's ready to go, my process is to use I like to do the phone to phone transfer method. I have found that to be pretty, even if it takes a little bit of time. I found it. Yeah, apple is essentially just putting a little marker in place for the different apps that you have and then downloading them over time. Then the apps are sort of fresher, and so I do find myself needing to log in and all of that, and so I like that phone-to-phone transfer if I don't do the full restore.

30:19 - Dan Moren (Host)
What method do you use with all of that? I mean, I've used them all at various times over the years. For a long time I used the Restore from iCloud backup because it was the most reliable. I have used the phone-to-phone transfer in recent years and generally found it to work pretty well, but I know people who have run into problems with it, where it just gets stuck or hangs or something like that. That always makes me a little worried.

But I think I agree with you that it is the most seamless way to get your new phone up and running and not have to worry about all the details of things. Yeah, I will say it's only that method's only been around for a few years. I feel like I don't remember when they introduced it, but it's still relatively new. And again, I feel like the upgrade process has gotten smoother every year in terms of Apple trying to streamline the process of going from one phone to another phone, even with things like making sure that the watch correctly pairs or making sure that your Apple pay stuff comes through, or what was the other thing that always was a problem. Oh, the software version mismatches are always fun.

31:29 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
So if you're someone who's running a beta or you.

31:33 - Dan Moren (Host)
You know iOS 18 comes out, you know, this week, before the phones have shipped. So when you get it, is your phone running a newer version of the operating system. Your old phone's running newer version of the operating system. Your old phone's running a newer version of the operating system than the new phone shipped with. And so even there it does get a little better about saying like, hey, should we update the OS first, instead of you having to do something bizarre like restore your phone then update it, then rewipe it and start all over again or start with a new, fresh phone, update it. Oh boy, yeah, that was a real headache. So I think they've gotten that down a little bit more streamlined, but it does always provide a little trepidation when you go in to do that process, like how many steps am I going to have this time?

32:14 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yeah, and it seems to change every time and I've had issues with. One year I had some cellular issues where I ended up having to call, but the problem was I couldn't call because my phone, so I had to use someone else's phone. You found a pay phone. Yeah, that's exactly what I did. I went and found a pay phone From 1997. Thank goodness, I had quarters and a time machine. Exactly, I had both, and that is how I came to rule the world. Exactly, I had both and that is how I came to rule the world, anyway. So, yeah, that process can be kind of frustrating.

So let's talk about now. We've gone through the whole thing of ordering the phone, getting the phone, transferring the phone. You've got everything on your device. Do you treat your phone any differently on day one, and or maybe I should say week one, than you do later on? Do you give it a little bit more grace, or maybe? I guess what I'm really asking you, to be honest, is do you have advice for people who you know are using their phone that first week and are maybe noticing strangeness or or other issues?

33:29 - Dan Moren (Host)
I. I have a. I've built a a little a little bed for my phone, but it only gets to sleep in that bed the first week. It's cotton lined, it's gentle and like sweet. No, I don't do anything different. Uh, I yeah.

So I mean, there's a couple of truisms of upgrading to a new phone, right, one of them is the stuff is a little weird, usually in the first day or two. First of all, you gotta, you know, make sure all your apps transferred over correctly. As we discussed. You know, some device methods maintain things like logins. I definitely find that there are a few apps that I always still have to log into, for whatever reason. Making sure that you have put in all your security codes for your Apple Pay and whatever, like updated the registrations for those Every once in a while. I used to have one of my banks had like a specific two-factor authentication app that was different from every other two-factor authentication app, and so I always had to do this weird jumping through hoops to make sure I got the right new token for that. So it worked.

I think part of it is just realizing there's gonna be some bumps in the road and like this stuff will all smooth out. You know it just takes maybe a day or two to get everything working back the way that you want. In addition to that, there's some stuff that the phone does, like the first couple of days, specifically indexing. So essentially every time you get that new phone, it's got to build a new index of all the stuff on there for spotlight to be able to search. That includes also photos. Man, the number amount of time you're probably going to wait If you have any number of photos that are, like most of us, in the tens of thousands, it takes a while for it to go through and crunch all of that data, which means you're going to see sometimes no results for things that you're like. I know I took a picture of that. It's like, yeah, it's still indexing and figuring that out, or, yes, your phone will get very warm, very toasty it's.

It's good thing they do this in the fall, when it's nice and cool, and maybe you just want a little portable heater in your pocket. That's why they do it. That's why they do it in the fall. I've solved that enigma for you. So, yeah, I think the answer is always wait a day or two just to see how things kind of shake out, let everything get settled and be aware that there's kind of going to be a break in process In boats. They call this the shakedown cruise, where you take the boat out and you get everything to make sure it all works right and all the bolts have been tightened and everything's all where it should be. So it takes a couple of days to shake down your new phone and just make sure that everything is kind of working right and it gets all its house in order and everything is where you expect it to be. So patience is a virtue. That said, sometimes things are weird and buggy and that can definitely happen too.

36:09 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yes, and this is also a good time to remind you that if you ever do feel like something is genuinely wrong with your device, definitely reach out to Apple. Apple in the first few weeks actually, I'd say within the first couple of months of new iPhones, they're always looking to what they call capture devices that are misbehaving, so that they can make sure that there's not an ongoing issue that could impact multiple phones. So I have found the to be very easy to do, because twice now I've had an issue in the long history of getting new iPhones and each time, not only did they easily take my phone back, but they also had a new phone out to me in no time flat. So if you're worried about, oh, now I'm not going to have my phone that I just got, they have some that are specifically for this.

37:12 - Dan Moren (Host)
I had a Micah I had way back in the mists of last year, in 2007, the year the iPhone came out. I had a phone that died on like day two of having the original iPhone. No yeah, it was totally dead. It like something happened, I don't even remember, but it was like would not turn on and I had to take that in. And that was tricky too, Cause like the phone was out for two days, the troubleshooting stuff was not like prepared.

37:35 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Yeah, what did you? You don't know about like up down, left, right, b A star, whatever.

37:41 - Dan Moren (Host)
Exactly, and I don't think even Apple knew all the things they were supposed to do. So it was uh, that was quite the experience. I had some. I had a chat with Apple PR. It was nice.

37:55 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Oh, that's nice. Went all the way, um yeah. So I really think that, um well, I guess I'll just ask you anything else that you do or that you tell others to do, um that you would like to let people know about. You know advice that you give.

38:07 - Dan Moren (Host)
I think one thing that's important, and one thing that I've learned being on the upgrade program specifically, is documentation. It is just very useful. I had a problem I think it was last year or two years ago where Apple claimed it had not received my phone the old one that I'd sent back. And it's like, well, good news for you. I have a picture of the box with the tracking number on it and you know I put it in that box and I dropped it off.

So things like making sure that you just document, like hey, if you're sending a thing back in like a box where they provide a label, just take a picture of it just to have on hand. You know, I think there's little things like that where you just sort of document things as it happens. Or if you're having these problems that we talked about, make sure you, you know, capture stuff, video or take a picture or write stuff down so you have your experience ready and it just can be handy. Like nine times out of 10, you're not even going to need that information, but it is a big peace of mind to make sure that if you do need it you do have it. So I think that's always my really sort of number one advice for these kinds of situations is make sure you've got receipts.

39:13 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
That is very well put and a great tip. I think for me we pretty much covered everything that I kind of do and suggest. I think the one thing I like to do if I do have a case is I like to go into. This is this is really involved and it's not necessary. But now I'm realizing I shouldn't say this out loud because it's just so over the top. But I will go into a room, close the door and turn on my um, my air filter, that I have, like air, uh, what is it called?

39:51 - Dan Moren (Host)
Air purifier.

39:52 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Thank you, um, to get as much dust out of the air as possible, and then I will put my phone into the case while we're, while wearing, uh, they say white cotton gloves. No, I wish, I wish they're not, but they're nitrile gloves, um, and so that way I don't get a bunch of dust and nonsense I like that you.

40:15 - Dan Moren (Host)
You put your phone in a case like it is a murder scene. You know I close the door. I put up some yellow caution yes there's a little outline on the desk where the phone goes, you know I just don't.

40:29 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
I hate it when I look and if I were to look and see a bunch of cruft oh man, I always I am the opposite.

40:35 - Dan Moren (Host)
I I do my best but it's like, yeah, it's just imperfect and that's life. I mean, that's why I don't do screen protectors, because I think I cannot put a screen protector on to save my life and it will just drive me.

40:46 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Drive me bananas if I have putting on screen protectors because you're hired.

40:49 - Dan Moren (Host)
I'll bring you my phone. You'll put on my screen protector for me because I will, I will I you're in there, I know you're in there with like the little, like smoothing thing and just if I could do a reverse pressure room, I would, but I don't have the money or the like. Yeah, I like I put a rug down this week and it's full of like wrinkles and stuff and it's driving me bananas it's one of those.

41:10 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
You know, if it's fine, it's fine. No, no, not for me.

41:13 - Dan Moren (Host)
I got to, got to make it right, slowly eating away at the back of my brain.

41:17 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Folks, that is going to bring us to the end of this episode of iOS Today. We do appreciate you for tuning in to this episode. If you would like to send feedback or shortcuts corner requests for when Rosemary returns, you can send those to iOS Today at twittv, do check out the show. Every Thursday is when we publish to the live stream or to the public. If you would like to get the video version of the show, well, we'll need you to join Club Twit at twittv slash club twit.

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42:44 - Dan Moren (Host)
You can find me in many, many places on the internet. I'm on many popular social media platforms, as at dmorin, d-m-o-r-e-n. You can find my podcasts at Relay FM and the Incomparable, and much of the stuff I write about tech at thesixcolorscom, and you can find links to all of those things, including my science fiction novels, of which I have a brand new one coming out in just a week from today. Oh, my god, I'm panicking. Dmorincom, d-m-o-r-i-ncom. Links to everything there.

43:17 - Mikah Sargent (Host)
Wonderful. If you are looking for me online, you can find me at Micah Sargent on many social media networks or head to chihuahuacoffee. That's C-H-I-H-U-A-H-U-Acoffee, where I've got links to play some most active online. Thanks so much for tuning in and we'll catch you again next week. Bye-bye.


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